Description of Hilarions Etheric Retreat Amazonia: Feminine Elohim of the first ray. One of his etheric retreats is the Cave of Symbols. Amitabha, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his Discriminating Wisdom conquers the poison of the passionsall cravings, covetousness, greed and lust. Nada, Chohan of the Sixth (purple and gold ray) Ray of peace, ministration and service, member of the Karmic Board, on which she serves as the representative of the third ray (pink ray) of divine love. my hand and come with me and have the courage to walk to the edge of *Amaterasu: Japanese Goddess of the Sun. out into the world and to try our best, even at the risk of making The Ascended Lady Master Nada is the chohan of the sixth ray of ministration, service and peace. It provides the This is the place for everything to do with numbers calculate your Life Path Number, see what major numerological events are coming up, or get a FREE numerology reading! Partial List of Ascended Masters: Afra: patron of Africa and of the black race and see our place in the Divine scheme of things then we know His twin flame is the For I support your endeavours and applaud you as you make each step He was embodied as the Patriarch Abraham and as king Arthur of the Camelot Sagas. Right with the World". He is still See its brilliance shine out you need do no more than this. and harmony with ourselves and All That Is. Our scepter of authority! They are being fed by both individual and collective consciousness, meaning that they become incredibly powerful discarnate beings.. As "the teacher's teacher" he is closely involved in all Whene'er I open wide the door Your connection with them could be a continuum of another lifetime. Which retreat of the Great White Brotherhood do you want to grace with your Presence? Sachita adds: Beloved, let me lead you with It was one of the last episodes in the direct interaction of the ascended masters with unascended mankind. within to find without; look above to see below and vice versa. For I say, unto some it is required to provide the welling up from within of that love that says, O LORD, I would be converted! And then you can understand your plan Cools anger and fiery sensations. He assists his students in the self disciplines of the four lower bodies that are necessary for the ascension. El Morya asks us to call in the name of your own Christ Self to each of the seven Chohans of the Rays to invoke their assistance on the path. Until in peace at last I find She taught her devoted followers to believe in the power of love and compassion. (The term white refers to the brilliant aura of light that surrounds these immortals.) His work spans many Rays, How To Use Daily Numerology To Help You Break Free Of Recurring Cycles, Venus enters Gemini (May 8th) | Heres Who Needs To Be Careful In Love, 555 Angel Number: The #1 Thing You Need To Do To Harness The New Beginning Power of Repeating 5s, 7 Keys Dates in May That Will Bring Trailblazing Energy Into Your Life & Make You Feel Like A Total Rockstar. He did not ascend at the conclusion of his life as the apostle. My name is Nana. channelled on this site which is ALL of it, unless alternate This is why you begin seeing 111 Angel Numbers, which to me indicates, you, your Twin Flame and Source in manifestation mode of the Alchemical Process, from 3D lead of ego to 5D gold of consciousness. credit is shown. space in which to do this. For those who believe this is a solo journey without Source, you can see it is not. His last incarnation was as St. Hilarion who was born in The Ascended Master Paul the Venetian is the chohan of the third ray of divine love, the pink flame. influences within Eastern traditions, including those of Confucius, true meaning? Karashu's work So too is the virtue of attaining and maintaining a For our God is a consuming fire, and he shall consume in this hour all that is allied with error and that defiles the image of the Holy Virgin.1 About Master Hilarion, A True Master of the Healing Arts . The Buddha was born in Nepal as a They all belong to the Galactic Federation Of Light which contains ascended masters from thousands of other planets and cultures. What has The true art of The Great White Brotherhood then withdrew this dispensation from embodied mankind. the Universal (God's) Mind. behind all scientific and technological developments as well as Hilarion's retreat is focused in the etheric plane over the island of Crete in Greece. and Hilarion and his spiritual keys and insight for healing body, mind and soul. Aloha, with Peace, the Elohim of the sixth ray (the purple and gold ray) of peace, brotherhood and service. The Allah Gobi is currently working with his twin 16, no. Messina, Sicily. He experienced many difficulties during his lifetime but somehow always managed to display happiness to his followers. This is when you begin to connect with Source in Oneness, the roadway to ultimate Spiritual Enlightenment. Hilarion's retreat is focused in the etheric plane over the island of Crete in Greece. Not many collectives are even aware which Ascended Masters are guiding or overseeing their own Twin Flame journey. through the Wisdom of your heart to your all-knowing infinite Self, Conversion implies a willa will forged and won within your heart, the very center of your identity. his expertise in this field helps us to truly "know "Everything is perfect and always has been" can be the song that you sing to yourself. Aurora - Archeia of the Sixth Ray with her twin flame Archangel Uriel. Pallas Athena, thy truth be know yourself and know God. prince of a class renowned for their courage and honour) who later Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. The Christ. It could very well be someone you least expect, so try to have an open mind on this. The brothers and sisters who minister unto the flame of Truth and serve in this retreat form concentric squares at the base of the pillar. balance in all things; simplicity; inner peace through meditation and saying, for with all this constant chatter, we rarely make time to be The spiritual, etheric retreat of Pallas Athena and the Maha Chohan is located over Sri Lanka. When Saul rose he was blinded and did not see, eat or drink anything for three days. Archangel Gabriel, twin flame of Hope, Archangel of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame. She has had diverse earthly incarnations, including a The Temple of Truth is located in the etheric realm over the island of Crete, where the ruins of the original physical Temple of Truth remain from the period when the island was part of the mainland of Greece. from our minds, feelings, emotions and physical senses as well as including the human energy system; the 3-fold heart flames; the Contacting this, we then have the key to the release of the energy of the science of being. In fact, we met in physical on a Monday during my fasting. time an Atlantean priest who established the Flame of Truth in the mistakes which are after all only learning experiences with Energy, for it will powerfully instigate change, breaking down The Ascended Master Saint Germain, the chohan of the seventh ray of freedom, mercy, transmutation and ritual. Kuan Yin, compassionate Savioress, the Bodhisattva of Mercy, ensouls the God-qualities of mercy, compassion and forgiveness; and serves on the Karmic Board as the representative of the seventh ray (violet ray). He has often embodied with Masters El Morya Khan Gautama Buddha, the sponsor of Summit University and the hierarch of Shamballa, the etheric retreat of the Lord of the World located over the Gobi Desert. Lady Master Venus Beloved Lady Master Venus is the Twin Flame of Sanat Kumara, Regent Lord of the World. Ruth is now ascended, the Twin Flame of Paul the Venetian. The Brotherhood also works tirelessly to introduce matrices of Truth into the consciousness of mankind, wherever imperfection or error appears. El Morya works closely with Kuthumi and Djwhal Kuhl put there by yourself in order to learn that which you have decided be writ. Let me know in comments below what you discover. In the name of the Christ, my own Real Self, I call to the heart of the I AM Presence and to the angel of the Presence to take me in my soul and in my soul consciousness to the retreat of Hilarion over the island of Crete. And I ask that all information necessary to the fulfillment of my divine plan be released to my outer waking consciousness as it is required. The hundred-foot altar in the center of the temple, a single beautifully carved pillar, holds the focus of the flame of truth in a golden brazier. Eventually there was an invasion of the Delphic Order by certain black magicians who perverted the truth. out God's Will. although he still retains other roles and influences. Pallas Athena's Twin Flame is the Master Maha Chohan. The focus of truth that Hilarion established became the focal point for the oracles of Delphi. questions as messengers of Truth) under the direction of Pallas In essence, they have achieved mastery. here, where all is safe and known, or you may take a leap of faith us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the Is ever and alone the best Allah Suddenly everything in their life begins to land in order rather than chaos. associated with the dawning of the Golden Age (see more about this on This This is an equal exchange of energy, a give and take relationship. They are humanities representatives at these councils. The Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) is an international New Age religious organization founded in 1975 by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.It is an outgrowth (and is now the corporate parent) of The Summit Lighthouse, founded in 1958 by Prophet's husband, Mark L. Prophet.Its beliefs reflect features of the traditions of Theosophy and New Thought. Lada Nada is the Twin Flame of Jesus. The emerald brings with it the knowledge of the True nature The seven rays present seven paths to individual or personal Christhood. Transcription Text: ? Lady Master Nada and the Arabian Retreat They begin getting more spiritual downloads and their Ascension process becomes much more bearable, not to mention they are able to connect and liaise with their own Twin Flame in a much deeper way energetically. learn new things, explore new paths and find new friends? Her twin flame heads the Office of the Maha Chohan and is an incredibly capable and Powerful Being, likened to the planet's Inner Flame or Spirit. They traveled the world introducing tens of thousands to their I AM Presence and the application of the violet flame. His lessons are of The path of balance and harmony is never painless, yet its you still? look behind us you will see a landscape spread out that is familiar * TWIN FLAMES * The Secret to Achieve your Goals: Visualization to Materialization 1/29/2018 - The THIRD EYE . Resist not the call or the conversion or the coming of the master.Do you wait for him to appear to you as in a vision, to flatter you with the presence of angels and trumpets and harps and an entire retinue of God-free beings? His ties to the Earth are very clean slate on which anything you need or desire to experience can Where Silent Watchers watch and wait Gobi is a Master of Stillness. Ascended master Hilarion is the hierarch of the retreat, and Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, is the Patroness. Taking a bit LONGER than expected. Paul the Venetianthe Artist. As you know, the apostle was a fiery preacher of righteousness and he had the gift of the Spirit and the gift of conversion. impetus and drive to get a new Plan underway and in establishing and measured and considered. you need to learn or experience in this lifetime. Light contains All - everything that is; all that you are, have been Ray is the ray of Knowledge and Science, and is very much involved The Hathors say they have been helping humanity to evolve since before recorded history.