> bench grinder wheels > abrasive grinding wheel characteristics
abrasive grinding wheel characteristics
2015-10-12 by bridge
Resin grinding wheel in use for some time will become blunt, mainly due to the resin grinding wheel in the surface of the particles and the friction tile cutting wheels between the cutting tool wear will gradually become dull, for the following reasons:
The central wheel is combined with the abrasive and the like made of a circular abrasive through hole, by abrasive cutting wheel characteristics, grain size, hardness, binding agents, shape and size and other factors to determine, due to the grinding wheel and being workpiece friction will have a lot of heat, the binding agent can easily be softened. Metal material to be ground at the end of the adhesive binder filled with sand in the cracks between the wheel plug reality. If this plug solid wheel continues to work, not only a very low efficiency, is caused by annealing grinding and cutting tools also become blue. On the other hand if the bond is not firmly bonded particles, the particles are not yet changed in between the pure grinding will also make it off, so that the transmission line sand wear quickly, easily deformed, require regular trimming.
Resin grinding wheel surface of the particles in the work force due to strong friction causes wear and blunt, when grinding resistance beyond the concrete cutting blade adhesion between particles and binder particles began to fall off, and was replaced by a new sharp particles, so wheel with automatic sharpening performance.

   keywords:    bench grinder wheels

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