> TCT circular saw blade > Security Grinding is widely used and Use safety
Security Grinding is widely used and Use safety
2015-02-09 by bridge
Grinding is widely used, is one of the main methods of machine parts precision machining. However, due to the high speed of grinding wheel, grinding wheels and relatively hard, brittle to withstand the heavy impact, improper accidental operation, crashed diamond turbo wheel will cause very serious consequences. Therefore, the security technology grinding work is particularly important and must adopt reliable safety device, the operation to concentrate, to ensure foolproof. In addition, micro-grinding sand splash out debris and metal shavings, will hurt workers in the eyes of the workpiece wheel, if a large number of workers at the end of this dust is inhaled harmful to the body, it should take appropriate protective measures. Grinding should pay attention to some of the following safety technical problems.

1. Before driving should seriously conduct a comprehensive inspection of the machine, including the inspection of the steering mechanism, such as electrical equipment and fixtures of the magnetic chuck. Check again after lubrication, lubrication conduct a trial run, make sure everything is good, can be used.

2 When the workpiece chucking positive to note cards, multi use diamond disc cards tight, loose workpiece during grinding can cause the workpiece wounding or crashed flying wheel, and other serious consequences. At the beginning of the work, the application of hand-tune the way, so close to the grinding wheel and the workpiece slowly began to feed a small amount, and not too much force to prevent collisions wheel. When you need to use the control block of iron reciprocating table, according to the length of the workpiece grinding, accurate fine, the stopper tight prison.
3 When replacing the wheel, must be visually examined whether trauma, and then stick a wooden hammer or percussion, crisp sound really requires no cracks. The method must be specified and requirements when installing wheel assembly, static equilibrium after installation and commissioning, test, everything is normal, before use.
4 workers at work should wear protective glasses when you want to carry a balance wheel dressing to prevent the collision. Measurement of the workpiece, the machine should be adjusted or wipe conducted after the shutdown. When using magnetic chuck, to disk, wipe the workpiece, close together, smoking in prison, if necessary, to add iron block and prevent inox flap disc the workpiece shift or fly. Note that installed wheel guard or machine baffle stations to side over the front wheel rotating at high speed.

   keywords:    TCT circular saw blade

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