> polishing wheels > Abrasive wheel
Abrasive wheel
2014-11-18 by bridge
Central abrasive and bonding agent made of a circular through-hole abrasive. Abrasive wheel is the largest amount, the most widely used method of using surface when using the high-speed rotation, suitable for processing a variety of metallic and non-metallic materials. Many types of grinding polishing wheels, grinding wheels can be different for cylindrical, inner circle, plane and a variety of type faces and other parts of coarse grinding, fine grinding and grinding half, as well as cutting and grooving, respectively. In various shapes, sizes, abrasive, grain size, hardness, and bonding agents organize different combinations, wheel varieties stainless steel cutting wheel and specifications of up to 200,000 or so. Wheel size range is large, such as parts for the mill hole and teeth plated metal bond grinding wheel, the smallest outer diameter of 0.5 mm; vitrified ordinary abrasive grinding wheel for large crankshafts, the maximum outer diameter to 2000 mm; for semiconductor materials such as silicon wafers and other cut and slotted plated metal bond diamond wheel thin, the thinnest of 0.03 mm; vitrified grinding wheels for centerless grinding, the overall thickness up to 600 mm.

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