> diamond wheels > Cylindrical Grinder outlined in the workpiece, conical or other shape developed into a prime line and the end face of the inner bore surface grinder.
Cylindrical Grinder outlined in the workpiece, conical or other shape developed into a prime line and the end face of the inner bore surface grinder.
2015-02-26 by bridge
Cylindrical Grinder outlined in the workpiece, conical or other shape developed into a prime line and the end face of the inner bore surface grinder. Internal Grinder divided into ordinary internal grinder , the inner planets grinder, centerless internal grinder , jig grinders and specialized uses such as internal grinder. Press the wheel axle configurations diamond wheels, tile cutting disc internal grinder have horizontal and vertical points.
① ordinary
Mounted on the headstock spindle chuck for clamping a workpiece circumference feed motion, table driven wheel frame along the rail bed for vertical reciprocating movement along the saddle for the first frame infeed movement; head frame can also go around the vertical axis at an angle to the grinding cone.
② Planet
When the work piece is fixed, except for high-speed rotating wheel around the outside also own axis rotation about the axis of the hole to be machined to achieve the circumference of the feed, it is not suitable for grinding large workpieces or workpieces concrete cutting discs such as rotary internal combustion engine cylinder block and so on.
③ mood
When working on the workpiece cylindrical roller bearing or bearing block, workpiece face and suck the magnetic chuck is rotated, but Wisdom float to ensure concentricity of the inner and outer circle. Small size grinder wheel speed up to hundreds of thousands of revolutions per minute. Internal grinder used in mass production, require a higher degree of automation in the grinding process, the available plug or automatic control micrometer size....

   keywords:    diamond wheels

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