> diamond wheels > Production Cause wheel
Production Cause wheel
2014-12-05 by bridge
Cause wheel [3] The main reason for the imbalance is the wheel geometry asymmetry, uneven parts of the grinding wheel and the installation depressed center cutting wheel of partial core density and so on. Unbalanced wheel during high-speed operation, will produce vibrations, thus affecting the grinding quality.

Static balance adjustment method
Identify the center point of the lowermost position of the grinding wheel A.
A point at the corresponding point of the same diameter to make a mark B.
Join balance block C, so A and B two positions unchanged.
Adding balance block D, E and still A, B and the same point, if the vertical movements can mobilize D, E. So that A, B two points back into place. This time around has been the balance wheel.
The wheel is rotated by 90 degrees. Such as unbalance, the D, E A or B simultaneously to move until the A, B two equilibrium. So adjust the grinding wheel to stabilize in any orientation. On the balance wheel.
Precautions to adjust the balance
To put the level of gimbals, especially tile granite cutting discs vertical.
To tighten wheel flange block, balance blocks to wash.
The wheel flange and balancing spindle taper hole to tie tight, not mandrel bent.
After grinding wheel balancing, balancing blocks to tighten.

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