2015-11-16 by bridge
abrasive discs during use, when the abrasive blunt, chipped or partially due to the grain itself binding agent break, the abrasive grains from partial or complete loss, and abrasive working surface of emerging new cutting edge, or continue to expose new sharp abrasive, so abrasive in a certain period of time to maintain the cutting performance. Such self-sharpening abrasive, is abrasive tool compared with the general outstanding characteristics.
As early as the Neolithic Age, humans had already started to use natural millstone processing knives, axes, bone, horn and teeth and other tools; the emergence of the United States in the 19th century with a combination of natural abrasive and clay firing ceramics Wheel; 1900, the advent of artificial abrasives, abrasive man-made manufactured using a variety of abrasives have been produced, created conditions for the rapid development of grinding and grinding machines. Since then, natural abrasive abrasive gradually decrease in proportion.
abrasive factory source of their raw material, natural and artificial abrasive abrasive categories. Commonly used in machinery industry is only natural abrasives Whetstone. Artificial abrasive according to the basic shape and structure of distinction, grinding wheel, grinding head, Whetstone, sand watts or more collectively bonded abrasives and coated abrasives five. In addition, it is customary to also as a class abrasive grinding tools.

   keywords:    depressed center cutting wheel

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