> bench grinder wheels > Wheel hardness
Wheel hardness
2014-11-24 by bridge
Grit size: common size is: 22 # -80 #, fine granularity low cutting efficiency.
Wheel hardness: Common hardness: P, Q, R; N, S; generally relatively rigid wheel, in order to reduce wheel wear. Its hardness number by binding agent, the green density, the firing temperature and the firing time were controlled.
Binding agent: resin binders used are: stainless steel cutting discs powdered phenolic resin, liquid phenolic resin. Powdered phenolic resin technology is good, abrasive molded density smaller, organization number is slightly larger, more expensive than liquid phenolic resin; low liquid phenolic resin prices, but the material is easy to agglomerate and mix evenly spread the material is not easy, easy to cause localized abrasive hard.
Organization: cutting wheel should be slightly larger number of organizations to improve cutting efficiency: much they affect the strength of commonly used tissue No. 3 to the 7th.

   keywords:    bench grinder wheels

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