> abrasive discs > Grinding refers abrasives workpiece removal of excess material processing methods
Grinding refers abrasives workpiece removal of excess material processing methods
2015-02-09 by bridge
Grinding refers abrasives workpiece removal of excess material processing methods, depending on the purpose and requirements of the process, the grinding process for a variety of forms, in order to meet the development needs, precision grinding technology tile cutting discs towards low roughness , efficient, high-speed and automatic grinding direction. Many forms of grinding methods, mainly refers to the production of grinding wheels, for ease of use and administration, usually based on the grinder and grinding the object form, designated as the grinding method in four ways:
1 Press the accuracy of coarse grinding, semi-grinding, grinding, mirror grinding, super finishing.
2 Press the feed in the form of cut grinding, longitudinal grinding, creep feed grinding, non-feed grinding, constant pressure grinding, quantitative grinding.
3 Press the form of grinding belt grinding, centerless grinding, face grinding, grinding surrounding wide grinding wheel, molding grinding, profile grinding, oscillating grinding, high speed grinding, strong grinding, constant pressure grinding, manual grinding, dry grinding, wet grinding, polishing, honing and the like.
4 Press exceptionally machined surface grinding, internal grinding, surface grinding and sharpening (gear grinding and thread grinding)
In addition, there are a variety of distinction, such as the type used by the grinding tool grinding into: consolidation grit abrasive grinding methods and loose abrasive grinding method of consolidation The abrasive grinding wheel grinding methods include grinding, honing, grinding belt, electrolytic grinding or the like; free abrasive grinding machining stainless steel cutting disc methods include grinding, polishing, jet machining, abrasive flow machining, the oscillation process and so by the level of wheel speed Vs divided into: ordinary grinding Vs <45m / s, high-speed grinding 45m / s <= Vs <150m / s and ultra-high speed grinding> = 150m / s according to the new technology adoption were divided into: Magnetic grinding, electrochemical polishing.

   keywords:    abrasive discs

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